This image is symbolic of our CIRCLE OF LOVE program. By definition, a circle is a curved line with every point equal distance from the point of the center and bound together by the common interest. The seven point program of the CIRCLE OF LOVE is bound together by the common interest - LOVE
The small heart in the center is taken from the logo of the HEART SPEAKS TO HEART program. By utilizing this portion of the logo and part of the Heart Speaks to Heart program that is compatible with the Circle of Love, a smooth transition occurs.
The Cross and Crown in the center of the heart is the national symbol of the Order- the Catholic Daughters of the Americas.
The seven points selected indicate the needs of the Church and community best served by the Catholic Daughters. The program itemizes these needs with suggestions on how Catholic Daughters can effectively serve.
The "CIRCLE OF LOVE" program portions of this Web site are gathered to assist Catholic Daughters in working with the Church and community. We are indeed very aware of the needs in society that are deeply affecting today's generation, the elderly and human life. To be effective in promoting good works, we must reach out and make a difference in the lives of those who are suffering, whether it be through their own fault or the circumstances in which they find themselves. If we are to be "Jesus hands and feet" as is pledged in the Act of Consecration during the Installation Ceremony, then we must use the talents He gave us, become educated in new fields, volunteer our services and financial assistance where needed.
Local courts are asked to select those portions of the programs that their members feel comfortable working on in their area. If many projects are selected, the task can become burdensome and little is accomplished. Members need to experience fulfillment when the projects are completed. This can happen when courts are selective in choosing their programs.
Many persons were involved in the formation of "Circle of Love". The National Board, members of the National Office and State Officers all had a part in the final adaptation. Thanks goes to each one of them.
Dear Ladies,
As we usher in the month of December, we see it brimming with expectation and joyous festivities. With the beginning of the Season of Advent, comes the time when we wait and make ready for both the Christmas celebration of Jesus’ birth, as well as being mindful of His 2nd Coming. Every week
highlights themes such as hope, peace, joy and love in helping our hearts and minds prepare for Christmas. So, let's bring out our Advent wreaths as part of our spiritual preparation for Christmas as we take time to reflect. Although, this time is a busy time for us all, let's take these few weeks to contemplate
the true meaning of Christmas, recalling all the many blessings our dear Lord so generously gives us in our lives daily. May we strive to deepen our faith by renewing our commitment to show the love, kindness and mercy to others by practicing the Corporal and Spiritual Acts of Mercy.
This month is also dedicated to the Immaculate Conception. In this belief, Mary is saved from all stain of original sin from the moment of her conception. In 1854 Pope Pius IX decreed this as an article of revealed truth. As early as 750 A.D., Mary’s conception was recognized in the Byzantine East. Later in 1477, Pope Sixtus introduced this Feast in Rome. Today, the official Feast of the Immaculate Conception is celebrated on December 8th.
The feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe is one of the more popular celebrated feasts of the year - December 12th. She is known as the “Queen of the Americas”, Patroness of the Unborn.” As the National
Patroness of Mexico, she continues to be a powerful symbol of Mexican identity and faith. Our Lady of Guadalupe symbolizes hope, renewal of faith and acceptance of all peoples and her tremendous compassion for the poor. This image is also related with everything from motherhood to social justice. In 1531, Juan Diego, an Aztec peasant, had the great honor of having Mary appear to him while on Tepeyac Hill. As we know, Our Lady left her image on the tilma which he was wearing while carrying the roses
that the Bishop asked Juan to bring back as a sign from Our Lady. The imagery on the tilma shows the victory of Christ and Our Lady’s call for unity between the New World and the Old. While hanging in the beautiful Basilica of Mexico, this miraculous image of Our Lady survived a bombing that only bent a standing crucifix that stood at the feet of the image.
How blessed we are to have a loving Mother that has placed us all under her mantle of love, compassion and protection. As we come to the end of another year, let’s keep in mind the many blessings we've received through the graces of God and Our Mother Mary.
I am especially appreciative of the beautiful friendships I’ve enjoyed with all my Catholic Daughter sisters. I look forward to working with you all this coming year in serving the needs of our families as well as those in our communities. In closing, let us heed the words that Our Lady spoke to Juan Diego, “Now go out and put forth your best effort”.
Have a blessed Christmas and Happy New Year!
Patricia Renick, Spiritual Enhancement
Announcement added into all our Parish bulletins in Santa Barbara
Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court Santa Barbara 293 congratulates all the students from our local Catholic schools who participated in the Catholic Daughters of the Americas National Education Contest. The theme choices were “We walk by faith, not by sight” 2 Corinthians 5:7 or “When do I have to lean on my faith more than sight?" which students could render in the categories of poetry, essay, art, computer art, and photography. Over 350 students participated locally, and ten student entries from St. Raphael, OLMC, Bishop, and St. TCA were submitted to CDA state competition, five of which earned first place in their respective categories and advancement to the National Competition. It is inspiring to see these students’ willingness to take the time to complete their entries and meet the deadline. Their efforts speak volumes of their dedication to growing in their faith. CONGRATULATIONS!
Our Court has a great devotion to our Blessed Mother Mary. Who else has a collection of books on her?
We do!
At Catholic Daughters, we want to share our love of MARY and educate one another on the importance of EDUCATION of our Catholic Faith and to maintain these teaching through each of our Catholic Daugther Monthly meetings! Our Catholic Faith is everything to this group of ladies so we hope you come to learn more about our Santa Barbara Court and the rich history it has from the last 106 years!
Photo of a SB CDA Member's collection of Marian Books
At Catholic Daughters we believe in the FAMILY. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (2204), says "The Christian family constitutes a specific revelation and realization of ecclesial communion, and for this reason it can and should be called a domestic church."
Most of us are Mothers, either natural, adoptive or spiritural, so we want to support our CDA members during their journey as the heart of their home!
At every meeting we start with The Rosary. Fr. Patrick Peyton, the self-acclaimed Rosary Priest, used to say, “The family that prays together stays together.” We know we are a family of sisters in Christ and understand how impactful this prayer is for families everywhere.
Join us next meeting so we can pray for your family!
Photo taken at the MOXI, The Wolf Museum of Exploration + Innovation in downtown Santa Barbara. CDA spotting with LEGOS
The Santa Barbara Court has been around since 1916! As we strive to grow, our members sign up and have an opportunities to Lead. You can build skills and techniques of leadership and implement your talents as a future leader in our Court 293.
Do you have an interest in planning EVENTS?
Do you enjoy taking PHOTOS?
Do you have a few hours to VOLUNTEER with us?
We have our annual FALL GARDEN PARTY that we are always in need of assistance to set up. We DONATE FOOD to our local food drive, or DONATE CLOTHES to local students. Or we host a RETREAT in the spring.
Lots of events to help LEAD!
Please reach out if you have had experience before or are new to it! We welcome all seasoned and newbies interested in taking our Santa Barbara Court to the next level of sharing LOVE in our community!
Our obligation is to become better informed on public issues, addressing the morals and human dimension, while supporting church teaching on human life, human rights, justice and peace.
However, some are involved in calling into School Board meetings and follow City issues that arise, as well as a Rosary said at clinics in town to shut down life. We pray for guidance from the Lord to uphold the dignity of LIFE!
Railroad crossing Photo taken on State Street in Santa Barbara, CA
Quality of Life (Social Awareness) - issues of our program are the heart of our ministering to the needs of all people. We are called to reach out with compassion and support, to be helping hands where there is pain, poverty, sorrow and sickness. We are a unique Court which serves not just one Parish, but all 8 different parishes in our community.
We work with the Catholic Charities Food Pantry to supply food, especially during the Holiday season. And during the cold season we collect sweatshirts for students in need. Middle and High School students love Hoodies, so it's our Hoodies Drive of the year so they can stay warm! A new program we donated to was Wreaths Across America. This project provides wreaths at gravesites within our local Santa Barbara and Goleta Cemeteries during Christmas time.
During the Springtime, we have the opportunity to listen to various local non-profits and learn more about their organization so we can contribute more to those in need - either monetarily or with our time.
Currently, Santa Barbara does not have a Junior CDA court, but we have scholarship opportunites via the National level!
There are requirements in order for you to apply (Catholic, attend a Catholic High School etc), but reach out to us if you would like more information.
CDA Light Bright Photo taken at the MOXI, The Wolf Museum of Exploration + Innovation in downtown Santa Barbara.