Dear Sisters in Christ,
Happy New Year 2023! May God continue to shed His Grace upon each one of us throughout this new year.
As always, with a New Year comes a list of resolutions. For me, a personal resolution related to our Catholic Daughters Court is to increase and retain our membership and continue reaching out to our current members to offer support and ask for their
participation in different ways. You can help from home by praying, for example, baking something for the meetings’ hospitality [if you can’t attend, someone can pick
up your baked goods], or help with the Phone Tree, or the Sunshine Report. And of course, also by sending ideas and suggestions to achieve our Mission. This is your
CDA Court, please join us at the meetings if you can!
I am pleased to report that on December 17th we had a lovely Christmas Brunch at Cody’s; twenty sisters attended. The joy I felt among the present members was
inspiring and comforting. Hope you consider attending our 2023 Christmas Brunch!
It is obvious that our common goal to serve our Lord is the spark that allows us to achieve what we set up to achieve. I am always in awe of how effective we are in our effort to serve our community. This is so because it is God’s will to be in this
together. In this regard, you will be receiving a list of possible recipients for our annual local donations, and we will invite the organizations with the most votes to come and do a presentation about their needs, to then determine our final choices. The forthcoming January 21st meeting will include the Installation of the new Board.
Hope to see you there.
May God Bless us always, and let’s continue doing His work through our Unity and Charity.
In Christ,